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OurVoices, the podcast by OurPath, Inc., is a resource for Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People as we navigate the tremendous life changes that accompany the discovery that our spouses or partners are LGBT+. 

Closets impact entire families. Telling our own stories as Straight Partners or Partners of Trans People is a powerful catalyst for healing, growth and discovering our own paths toward an authentic life post disclosure or discovery.

We interview Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People with diverse perspectives, experiences and relationship outcomes. We also interview various guest experts, and occasionally, LGBT+ Partners. 

This podcast features frank and open discussions about difficult, intimate and sometimes controversial topics in the hopes of providing insight, validation and empowerment to our listeners.

Closets impact entire families. Telling our own stories as Straight Partners or Partners of Trans People is a powerful catalyst for healing, growth and discovering our own paths toward an authentic life post disclosure or discovery.

We interview Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People with diverse perspectives, experiences and relationship outcomes. We also interview various guest experts, and occasionally, LGBT+ Partners. 

This podcast features frank and open discussions about difficult, intimate and sometimes controversial topics in the hopes of providing insight, validation and empowerment to our listeners.

o create quality, relevant content for our community.


Oct 16, 2018

In today’s episode, I talk to Sara about the discovery of her husband’s 14 years of infidelity with men, her diagnosis of PTSD related to the relationship betrayal in her marriage, which echoed back to her sexual assault as a teen. We talk about how she found her healing and clarity in nature by hiking, running, and paddle boarding. Sara shares how she has used her experience as the fuel for a new career helping others heal from their own trauma.

In her own words on the compound trauma of sexual assault combined with relationship betrayal: “I was so deeply traumatized, I can’t even put words too it. The PTSD that just shakes every cell within your body is mind numbing… What happens is that when you go through another traumatic experience like this, it also brings up the trauma from the past, which I hadn’t really worked through, I now realized… I realized that it was like ‘Wow, I’ve got to address all this stuff,’ which is exactly what I did, through my own trauma healing, and through nature, and through seeking help and getting the right support.”