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OurVoices, the podcast by OurPath, Inc., is a resource for Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People as we navigate the tremendous life changes that accompany the discovery that our spouses or partners are LGBT+. 

Closets impact entire families. Telling our own stories as Straight Partners or Partners of Trans People is a powerful catalyst for healing, growth and discovering our own paths toward an authentic life post disclosure or discovery.

We interview Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People with diverse perspectives, experiences and relationship outcomes. We also interview various guest experts, and occasionally, LGBT+ Partners. 

This podcast features frank and open discussions about difficult, intimate and sometimes controversial topics in the hopes of providing insight, validation and empowerment to our listeners.

Closets impact entire families. Telling our own stories as Straight Partners or Partners of Trans People is a powerful catalyst for healing, growth and discovering our own paths toward an authentic life post disclosure or discovery.

We interview Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People with diverse perspectives, experiences and relationship outcomes. We also interview various guest experts, and occasionally, LGBT+ Partners. 

This podcast features frank and open discussions about difficult, intimate and sometimes controversial topics in the hopes of providing insight, validation and empowerment to our listeners.

o create quality, relevant content for our community.


Oct 1, 2021

Ryan King knew he was gay from the time he was six years old. Despite this, he married a woman. In this double-length episode, Ryan sheds light on the abusive, narcissistic tactics he used to keep his unsuspecting wife trapped in their affectionless marriage, in the hope that other Straight Partners will recognize the signs of a closeted spouse. Under the pseudonym “Sean,” he created the thread “A Gay Ex-Husband Answers Your Questions” on the Open Forum specifically to answer Straight Partner questions about patterns of behavior common to some closeted partners.